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Abraham Lincoln, The Martyr, Victorious

Abraham Lincoln, The Martyr, Victorious

Lithograph from 1866

9th Union League Regiment waiting for the body of the President

9th Union League Regiment waiting for the body of the President

Photograph from 1865

The Lesson of the hour. Justice as well as mercy.

Lesson of the hour

Speech from April 17, 1865

The Martyr President: Our Grief and Our Duty

The Martyr President

Speech from April 16, 1865

In Memoriam of Abraham Lincoln, the Martyr President of the United States

In Memoriam of Abraham Lincoln

Speech from February 12, 1866

Abraham Lincoln, a Speech

Abraham Lincoln, a Speech

Speech from Late December 1865

The Martyr President

The Martyr President

Document from 1865

Abraham Lincoln: Rede bei der Gedachtnissfeier in der Dorotheenkirche zu Berlin

Abraham Lincoln: Rede bei der Gedachtnissfeier

Document from May 2, 1865

The Private and Public Life of Abraham Lincoln, by O. J. Victor

Private and Public Life

Document from 1865

Proceedings of a called meeting of ministers of all religious denominations in the District of Columbia, in the First Baptist Church on Thirteenth Street, Monday, April 17

Proceedings of a Called Meeting

Document from April 17, 1865

Abraham Lincoln. An Horatian Ode

Abraham Lincoln. An Horatian Ode

Document from 1865

A Day of Mourning. The Nation Weeping for its Dead

A Day of Mourning

Document from April 19, 1865

Sermon on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Sermon on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Sermon from May 14, 1865

President Johnson

President Johnson

Newspaper from April 18, 1865

Piece of President Lincoln's Funeral Car

Funeral car item

Physical Object from 1865

Memorial to Lincoln's Life and Death


Physical Object from ca. 1865

Resolutions Passed on the Death of President Lincoln

Resolutions Passed on the Death of President Lincoln

Newspaper from Apr. 22, 1865

The Nation Mourns a Father Slain

The Nation Mourns a Father Slain

Document from 1865

"Remember Lincoln!"

Document from Jun. 1, 1865

Treasury Department Ordinance

Treasury Department Ordinance

Document from Apr. 17, 1865