Diary from Apr. 14, 1865

Silas H. Billings Diary

  • Full Title

    Silas H. Billings Diary

  • Description

    Silas H. Billings was a U.S. Army soldier from Lafayette, New York, wounded at the Battle of Winchester in September 1864. In April 1865 he was a patient at Saterlee Hospital in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when he learned that John Wilkes Booth had assassinated President Abraham Lincoln. Billings then received permission to attend Lincoln's funeral in Philadelphia. Like many people at the time, Billings recorded both newsworthy events, like Lincoln's assassination, and the details of his everyday life together. After the Civil War, Billings became a school teacher and part-time farmhand. His wounds led to his death in 1873, at the age of only 30.

  • Transcription

    [inside cover]
    Silas H. Billings
    Wounded at
    Winchester Va
    Sept 19 1864

    [Friday, April 14, 1865]
    Abraham Lincoln
    is Shot at Fords
    Theatre at 9,30 p m and dies at 722 am

    Wm H & Fred Seward are stabbed at or
    about the same time

    [Saturday, April 15, 1865]
    my eye is very bad

    [Wednesday, April 19, 1865]
    Funeral of our Chief
    Abraham Lincoln
    President of the
    U S of America

    Recd a Visit from
    C F Falch co. "D" 9 ny
    Ward 2 Turners Lane

    [Saturday, April, 22, 1865]
    Recd a pass 2 pm to 9 pm
    went downtown to Corner
    of Broad & Prime Sts
    Funeral Train of the
    late President A Lincoln
    arrives at 4,30 pm
    Procession is formed in
    Broad & goes down to
    Walnut up to 21st
    down to Vine down to
    2nd up to Chesnut to
    Independence Hall on
    Chesnut between 5th & 6th

  • Source

    Marjorie Billings Martinez, great-granddaughter of Silas H. Billings

  • Rights

    This item may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.

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  • Cite this Item

    Silas H. Billings. "Silas H. Billings Diary". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 14, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/1040