Letter from Apr. 15, 1865

Condolences from the Mexican Club of New York

  • Full Title

    Condolences from the Mexican Club of New York to Secretary of State William Seward

  • Description

    This is a condolence letter from the Vice President of the Mexican Club of New York to the U.S. Secretary of State William Seward after news of Abraham Lincoln's assassination reached New York. The letter talks about how important President Lincoln was to the ideals of liberty and freedom in the United States and reaffirms Mexico's commitment to their friendship with the country. The Mexican Club of New York was created in 1864, as exiles from the Mexican government fled Mexico during the French Intervention, which began in 1861. The French, backed by conservatives and nobility in Mexico tried to overthrow Mexican President Benito Juarez. Allies of Juarez fled to New York City, considered a safe haven by Mexican liberals. U.S. Secretary of State William Seward quietly supported the work of the Club but refused to promise too more nor interfere with the war in Mexico. The Club's president, Benito Quijano, had died in early 1865 and at the time of Abraham Lincoln's death a new successor had not been chosen.

  • Transcription

    Republic of Mexico
    [Enclosure No. 2 – Translation.]
    Mexican Club at New York.
    New York, April 15, 1865.

    Sir: The Mexican Club of New York, profoundly affected by the tragic and premature death of the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, has resolved to manifest to your excellency that the citizens which compose it fully sympathize the affliction of the American people; that they look upon the loss of this eminent patriot not only as a great calamity to the United States, but as a just cause of mourning for all the peoples who in America enjoy liberty, or are contending to restore it; and they believe that with Lincoln there has disappeared from earth one of the great benefactors of humanity, who, on descending to the tomb, has been crowned with the laurel of immortality and martyrdom.
    To the veneration which Lincoln will have in history, as the personification of the great American people, in his firmness, in his energy, in his enlightenment, and in his magnanimity, to his great title of the emancipator of the slaves, he will always add in the hearts of the Mexicans the acknowledgement which the love of justice and the respect for law inspires, of which he gave proofs, in not sanctioning the outrages committed against Mexico, and in not acknowledging in that republic any other power than that which is derived from the institutions and the free national will.
    The Mexican Club, in taking part in the affliction of the people of the United States, upon whom it looks as a nation of brothers, cherishes the hope that as the spirit of Washington has animated this nation in the work of consolidating its institutions, so the spirit of Lincoln may continue to guide it until peace and union are restored, slavery abolished, and until it shall become the bulwark of liberty for all America.
    On addressing this manifestation to your excellency, we have the honor to offer to you the assurances of our very distinguished consideration.

    In absence of the president, from indisposition,
    IGNACIO MEJIA, Vice President.

    CIPRIANO ROBERT, Secretary.
    Hon. Secretary of State of the United States.

    [Transcription by: Ricarda H., Dr. Susan Corbesero’s Class, Ellis School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania]

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    Google Books

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    Ignacio Mejia. "Condolences from the Mexican Club of New York to Secretary of State William Seward". Government Printing Office. Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 13, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/1122