Letter from May. 16, 1865

Department of Foreign Relations and Government - Mexican Response to Lincoln Assassination

  • Full Title

    Department of Foreign Relations and Government - Mexican Response to Lincoln Assassination

  • Description

    In this official letter from the exiled Mexican government, Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada, the minister of foreign affairs, notifies the United States of their remorse for the death of President Abraham Lincoln. The letter says the Mexican government will fly flags at half mast and wear mourning attire for nine days to honor Abraham Lincoln. Lerdo de Tejada served as second in command to exiled Mexican President Benito Juarez during the "French Intervention" which began in 1861. The French, backed by conservatives and nobility in Mexico, tried to overthrow Mexican President Benito Juarez. Juarez set up his government in exile in northern Mexico, in Chihuahua City, and eventually won the war in 1867.

  • Transcription

    Hon. William H. Seward, &c.
    [Enclosure No. 1. – Translation.]

    The official confirmation has been received that the President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, died at Washington, at seven o’clock and twenty-two minutes, on the morning of the 15th day of April last, in consequence of the wound inflicted upon him by an assassin at half past nine o’clock on the previous night. The deplorable end of President Lincoln is a cause of great regret to the government of the Mexican republic, and to all its good citizens, by reason of his eminent personal qualities and because, during his administration, the government of the United States has continued in the most friendly relations with that of the Mexican republic in the difficult state of affairs thereof.
    With the view that the manifestations of the public sorrow for that end event may be adopted, the citizen President directs that the national flag be hoisted at half-mast upon all the public buildings and at all the military stations during the day subsequent to the reception of this circular, and that all the authorities, functionaries, and employés, both civil and military, clothe themselves in mourning during nine days.
    Independence and liberty! Chihuahua, May 16, 1865.
    The Citizen Governor of the State of ——— .

    [Transcription by: Ricarda H., Dr. Susan Corbesero’s Class, Ellis School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania]

  • Source

    Google Books

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    This item is in the public domain and may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.

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    Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada. "Department of Foreign Relations and Government - Mexican Response to Lincoln Assassination". Government Printing Office. Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed February 1, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/1124