President Abraham Lincoln's Washington, DC Funeral Directions and Notes
This is a letter and invitation to Matias Romero, the minister of the Mexican Republic, to the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln at the White House. It includes the funeral procession, schedule and list of pallbearers.
No. 3.
Mr. Hunter to Mr. Romero.
Washington, April 18, 1865.
Sir: I have the honor to enclose a programme of arrangements for the obsequies of the late President. The religious services will take place at the Executive mansion at 12 o'clock to-morrow. Your attendance at half past eleven is invited.
I have the honor to be, with the highest consideration, your obedient servant,
Acting Secretary.
Señor MATIAS ROMERO. &c., Washington, D. C.
[Enclosure No. 1.]
Official arrangements at Washington for the funeral solemnities of the late Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, who died at the seat of government on Saturday, the 15th day of April, 1865.
Adjutant General’s Office, Washington, April 17, 1865.
THe following order of arrangements is directed:
Funeral escort—in column of march.
One regiment of cavalry.
Two batteries of artillery,
Battalion of marines.
Two regiments of infantry.
Commander of escort and staff.
Dismounted officers of marine corps, navy and army, in the order named.
Mounted officers of marine corps, navy army, in the order named.
All military officers to be in uniform, with side-arms.
Clergy in attendance.
The Surgeon General of the United States army and physicians to to the deceased.
Pall-bearers. HEARSE. Pall-bearers.
Pall-bearers. Pall-bearers.
On the part of the Senate : On the part of the House :
Mr. Foster, of Conecticut, Mr. Dawes, of Massachusetts.
Mr. Morgan, of New York. Mr. Coffroth, of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Johnson, Maryland. Mr. Smith, of Kentucky.
Part ii----6
Mr. Yates of Illinois. Mr. Colfax, of Indiana.
Mr. Wade, of Ohio, Mr. Worthington, of Nevanda.
Mr. Conness, of California. Mr. Washburne, of Illinois.
Army: Navy:
Lieutenant General U. S. Grant Vice-Admiral D. G. Farragut.
Major General H. W. Halleck. Rear-Admiral W. B. Subrick.
Brevet Brigadier General W. A. Nichols. Colonel Jocab Zeilin, marine corps.
O. H. Browning. Thomas Corwin.
George Ashmun. Simon Cameron
The delegations of the States of Illinois and Kentucky, as mourners.
The President.
The cabinet ministers.
The diplomatic corps.
The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court.
The Senate of the United States, preceded by their officers.
Members of the House of Representatives of the United States.
Governors of the several States and Territories.
Legislatures of the several States and Territories.
The federal judiciary and the judiciary of the several States and Territories.
The Assistant Secretaries of State, Treasury, War, Navy, Interior, and the
Assistant Postmaster General, and the Assistant Attorney General.
Officers of the Smithsonian Institution.
The members and officers of the Sanitary and Christian Commissions.
Corporate authorities of Washington, Georgetown, and other cities.
Delegations of the several States.
The reverend the clergy of the various denominations.
The clerks and employés of the several departments and bureaus, preceded by
The heads of such bureaus and their respective chief clerks.
Citizens and strangers.
The troops designated to form the escort will assemble in the avenue, north of the President’s House, and form line precisely at 11 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, the 19th instant, with the left resting on Fifteenth street. The procession will move precisely at 2 o’clock p. m., on the conclusion of the religious services at the Executive Mansion, (appointed to commence at 12 o’clock, meridian,) when minute-guns will be fired by detachments of artillery stationed near St. John’s Church, the City Hall, and at the Capitol. At the same hour the bells of the several churches in Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria will be tolled.
At sunrise on Wednesday, the 19th instant, a federal salute will be fired from the military stations in the vicinity of Washington, minute-guns between the house of 12 and 3 o’clock, and a national salute at the setting of the sun.
The usual badge of mourning will be worn on the left arm and on the hilt of the sword.
By order of the secretary of War:
Assistant Adjutant General
[Transcription by: Grace C., Dr. Susan Corbesero’s Class, Ellis School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania]
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This item is in the public domain and may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.
William Hunter. "President Abraham Lincoln's Washington, DC Funeral Directions and Notes ". Government Printing Office. Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed February 1, 2025.
William Hunter
Government Printing Office
April 18, 1865
Letter from Apr. 18, 1865
This is a letter and invitation to Matias Romero, the minister of the Mexican Republic, to the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln at the White House. It includes the funeral procession, schedule and list of pallbearers.
Google Books
This item is in the public domain and may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.
William Hunter
Government Printing Office
April 18, 1865