Letter from Apr. 24, 1865

Letter to Benjamin Thackara from A. M. Thackara, April 24, 1865.

  • Full Title

    Letter to Benjamin Thackara from A. M. Thackara, April 24, 1865.

  • Description

    A Letter from A. M. Thackara to his father Benjamin Thackara recounting Lincoln's funeral train's stop in Philadelphia.

  • Transcription

    Apr. 24, 1865

    Phila April 24/65
    Dear Pop

    We received your letter this morning, every time I come home from the store in the evenings Mother asks me if I had heard from you. Celie has been staying at our house ever since you left. We have grand times. Yesterday the Presidents body laid in state at Independence Hall. I never saw such a crowd in my life. They were four a beast from the State House to 21st Street. At 6th Street in the morning the policemen had a hard issue of it. They had to beat the people back with their clubs. In the afternoon a regiment of the Provost Guard came down. There was a double file across the street at charge bayonets. I did not get to see the body. Those that did see it say that he looked natural. There was a grand funeral escort given “him”. But it was so dark that we could not see much of it. Mr Miskey paraded with the Union League. There is a notice at home for you to parade, but of course you cannot do it. There are two letters from Dr. Stocker, one to you and another to Mr Miskey, which one enclosing a check for the amount of your bill $59.50. He wants several things. He says he is going to send you a couple of boxes to store for him. Meree wrote an order for 2 old stogies #4988. Those large chandeliers of which we have so many. While I was writing this there was a letter came for you which I will send to Columbus. That package of lithographs for Gilfillen & Sons Hartford has returned. I was at Church last evening and heard a splendid sermon from Mr Coukling on the wages of sins is death of course he spoke about the death of our beloved President. I think that General Sherman has just about killed himself for agreeing to such terms of capitulation with Joe Johnston but however I think Genl Grant will bring it all right. He went through here on his way to North Carolina. He bid his family good bye. The people are down on Sherman now. I think that I have told you all the news I can think of now. So good bye.

    From your Affectionate Son, A. M. Thackara

    P.S. Write to me

    [Transcription by Stephanie Dabek.]

  • Source

    Villanova University Digital Library Sherman Thackara

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    This item is in the public domain and may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.

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  • Cite this Item

    A. M. Thackara. "Letter to Benjamin Thackara from A. M. Thackara, April 24, 1865.". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 28, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/1171