Newspaper from Apr. 21, 1865

Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln

  • Full Title

    Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln

  • Description

    This article was published in the Union Vedette, a newspaper published by United States soldiers stationed at Camp Douglas in Salt Lake City, Utah. It discusses a meeting in which the Utah territory's federal, civil, and military officials adopted multiple resolutions related to the Lincoln assassination and planned for the city's memorial service. It expresses grief over Lincoln's death and extols his "integrity and ability as a magistrate," while endorsing Andrew Johnson as the new president.

  • Transcription

    Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln

    At a meeting of the Federal, Civil and Military officials of Utah, held at the Executive in Great Salt Lake City, April 18th at two P.M., Hon. J. Duane Doty, Governor, was called to the chair, Capt. C.H Hemstead and T.B. H. Stenhouse, Esq., appointed Secretaries.
    After preliminary consultation and expression of feeling over the sad event which called this meeting together, the following resolutions. presented by Hon. Chief Justice Titas, were unanimously adopted:
    Whereas, the death by assassination of our beloved President. has wrung the hearts of all good men with grief;
    Whereas, the serious wounding, by lawless violence, of our esteemed and honored Secretary of State, and his two sons, mingles with the sorrow of actual bereavement, the painful apprehension of further heart-rending loss and;
    Whereas, also, in this our hour of calamity, we may not inappropriately seek that relief which affliction finds in outward expression! Therefore,
    Resolved. That we cannot suppress the profound sorrow, with which we lament the untimtely death of our beloved President Abraham Lincoln, whose integrity and ability as a magistrate had secured for him the confidence of his country and whose genial virtues as a man, had endeared him to humanity itself:
    Resolved. That with unaffected grief for our lamented President, is mingled the poignant regret, that he has not been spared to see and enjoy the fruition of that peace which has his labors had done so much to secure for his country, and which we believe is not far distant;
    Resolved, That while we thus lament for our friend, the exemplary husband and father. we cannot forget the stricken family, but with a feeling of unaffected condolence humbly invoke for them that support, which transcends all human woe, in the divine power of its consolation;
    Resolved, That we devotedly hope that the wounds of our able and honored Secretary of State William H. Seward, and his two sons, may none of them prove mortal but that they may all soon be restored to health. and long spared for further useful service, to our common country;
    Resolved. That we have the fullest confidence in our President Andrew Johnson, our own and the Nation’s choice, as he was for the second. prepared by labor and trial as he was for the first office in government. and to which he is thus translated by the peration of the Constitution and the permission of a tremendous Providence.
    Resolved. That a committee of five be appointed on the part of the Federal offices to confer with a committee of like number on the part of the city authorities. to make arrangements for suitable religious exercises to be held at the Tabernacle, April 19th, at twelve o’-clock, M.
    Col. J.C. Little informed the meeting that Elder Amasa M. Lyman had been selected by city authorities to deliver an address at the Tabernacle.
    Oh motion, it was unanimously resolved the Rev. Normal McLeod be also invited to deliver an eulogium on the life, character and illustrious services of the late President, on the same occasion and at-the-same place.
    In accordance with the foregoing resolutions the following gentlemen were appointed by the Chair as the Committee of Arrangements. viz: Hon. Chief Justice John Titus, Col. O. H. Irish, Capt Chas H. Hempstead, Col. Robt. T. Burton and Col. I C Little.
    Following is the committee appointed on behalf of the city authorities. viz: Hon. Mayor Smoot, Alderman Sheets, Alderson Raleigh, Thos. McKeon and N. H. Felt, E-qs.
    On motion, the Secretaries were instructed to transmit a copy of the proceedings of this meeting to the City Council, and that public notice be given of the exercises at the Tabernacle.
    J. DUANE DOTY, President.
    T.B.H. Stenhouse,
    Chas H. Hempstead } Secretaries

    [Transcription by Alicia B., Ford's Theatre Society, and Janet Scanlon.]

  • Source

    Utah Digital Newspapers Contributed by McKayla Herron, M.A. Student in Public History, West Virginia University

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    This item is in the public domain and may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.

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    Union Vedette. "Funeral Obsequies of President Lincoln". Union Vedette. Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 25, 2025.