Letter from Apr. 15, 1865

Joseph A. Wheelock to Kate French Wheelock

  • Full Title

    Note from Joseph A. Wheelock to his wife, Kate French Wheelock, upon hearing news of Lincoln's death

  • Description

    A short, personal note from Joseph Albert Wheelock, a journalist in Saint Paul, to his wife Kate French Wheelock, commenting on the assassination of President Lincoln. It reads: "My darling, If you have tears prepare to shed them now Weep - Weep - Weep for the Slain of the daughters of my people." The envelope with it is just as interesting: "Father's note to Mother when Lincoln was assassinated. Mr. Colgrave told me that he was with Father when the news came - and that he staggered across the room sank down and burst into tears."

  • Transcription

    My darling, If you have tears prepare to shed them now Weep - Weep - Weep for the Slain of the daughters of my people.

  • Source

    Joseph A. Wheelock and Family Papers, 1719, 1756, 1803 - 1906. P334, box 4, Minnesota Historical Society

  • Rights

    Use of this item for research, teaching, and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution, as Joseph A. Wheelock and family papers, Minnesota Historical Society. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission. For permission, please see this web page: http://bit.ly/1ml2lCd

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  • Cite this Item

    Joseph Albert Wheelock. "Note from Joseph A. Wheelock to his wife, Kate French Wheelock, upon hearing news of Lincoln's death". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed February 7, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/189