Letter from Augustus Clark to S. M. Allen, 16 April 1865
This letter, written by Augustus Clark, a War Department employee, to his uncle, Stephen M. Allen of Woburn, Massachusetts, includes a firsthand account of the awful scenes at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. after John Wilkes Booth had shot Abraham Lincoln. Clark also describes what he witnessed at Petersen's boardinghouse across the street from the theatre, where Lincoln died.
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Ordnance Office, War Department Washington, April 16 1865
Dear Uncle [S. M. Allen ]
You have of course heard all the particulars of the
dreadful death of the President on the 14th inst But as
I was an eye Witness of the latter part I will endeavor to explain
matters. At 10¼ Oclock I was looking out of a window of
a house opposite the theatre and seeing a large excited crowd
rush from it I thinking some one might have been robbed
ran down stairs and across the street into the theatre and then
heard the awful words, "Lincoln is shot"—I sprang off towards
the stage over the seats every one being in the wildest commotion
and on reaching it saw a lady reaching over the right
hand box second tier it was the daughter of Senator Harris of
N.Y. I clambered up seized her hand and drew myself into
the box and there on the floor lay Abraham Lincoln dying:—
his wife near him shrieking and moaning, Major Rathburn
and a few others near by. Several of us lifted him and
carried him out to the street and finding his carriage gone
I said "take him across the street" he was carried into the
house I had just left, and deposited on a bed, his clothes
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stripped off:— he was shot in the head on a line with the
left ear about 2 inches towards the back of the head,
the Ball was round and entered about three inches in a
line towards his right eye—he was breathing very heavily
and his pulse fluctuated from 105 to 42 in about three hours.
The blood soon begun to settle under his left eye and blackened
the whole side of his face. Mrs Lincoln soon came over and
was hardly sane all night and is now quite low, Laura
Keene came over with her but did not stop—his [son] came in
about Eleven and was much agitated. Soon all the members
of the Cabinet rushed in with grief and terror depicted on
their faces: many Senators and members arrived during the
night—the street was cleared of all strangers and a great
military force stationed around the square. Stanton was there
issuing orders to all parts of the union and seemed to
do most of the business. news came about eleven that Seward
was fearfully stabbed and it seemed to strike terror into the
hearts of all. Maj. Rathburn was wounded badly in the arm and
fainted twice before his wound was dressed and he got home.
Mrs Lincoln came into the room seven times during the
night and felt dreadfully she fainted twice and fell over onto
the floor. I remained in the room all night long and did
all I could to help. The best surgeons were there but no
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attempt was made to extricate the Ball as he was pronounced
fatally wounded at first examination he lingered
on 'till seven twenty "AM" when he breathed his last in
presence of the members of the Cabinet several senators
and others. Mrs Lincoln was not in the room at the time of
his death. The body at nine oclock was taken to the White
House and has been embalmed. I got a lock of his
hair and a towel saturated with the blood of the best
man that ever was President and a friend of the south.
They now have a President that will show them no mercy
and they deserve none. I will enclose a piece of the towel
for you as a relic.
The folks are all well and hope this
will find you family the same. Give my love to all
and excuse this writing as it is quite late and I am
very nervous.
I am as Ever Yours Truly
Massachusetts Historical Society, Special collections, manuscripts
Use of this item for research, teaching, and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution, as: From the Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission. For permission, please see this web page.
Clark, Augustus. "Letter from Augustus Clark to S. M. Allen, 16 April 1865". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 31, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/287
Clark, Augustus
April 16, 1865
25 cm x 20 cm
Letter from Apr. 16, 1865
This letter, written by Augustus Clark, a War Department employee, to his uncle, Stephen M. Allen of Woburn, Massachusetts, includes a firsthand account of the awful scenes at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. after John Wilkes Booth had shot Abraham Lincoln. Clark also describes what he witnessed at Petersen's boardinghouse across the street from the theatre, where Lincoln died.
Massachusetts Historical Society, Special collections, manuscripts
Use of this item for research, teaching, and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution, as: From the Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission. For permission, please see this web page.
Clark, Augustus
April 16, 1865
25 cm x 20 cm