Diary of William Ellis Stork, Volume 1, Preston, Minnesota
Diary of William Ellis Stork as he recounts his life and his reactions to major events.
"Got news of Lincoln’s death and the attempted assassination of Sen [??]" (pg. 30)
"1865 April 3. Richmond & Peters burg was evacuated by the rebels & taken possession of by our forces April 9th and 10th Gen[eral] Lee surrendered the army of north Virginia to Grant Lincoln died was shot at a Theatre April 14th & died April 15th. Born July 12th 1809 Age at death death 55 y[ea]rs 9 m[onths] 3 d[ays] 16 m[inutes] President of the United States [inked line] Andrew Johnson took the oath of office as President April 15th at 11 o’clock A.M. [inked line] J. Wilkes Booth & his accomplice Harrold the murderers of President Lincoln was found in a barn at a Mr Garrotts 3 Ms[miles] from Bowling Green towards Port Royal in Virginia Booth was shot in the barn & died at 7 A.M. April 26th Harrold was taken to Washington President Johnson in his Proclamation of May 2nd after stating It appears from evidence in the burden[?] of military justice that the atrocious murder of the late President & attempted murder of W[illiam] H. Seward secretary of State incited, concerted, of & between Jefferson Davis late of Richmond Va[Virginia] & Jacob Thompson Clement Clay Beverly Tucker George N. Danders W.C. Cleary & others rebels & traitors against the Government of the United States, Harbored in Canada now therefore to the end" (pg. 74)
Minnesota Reflections
Use of this item for research, teaching, and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission.
Stork, William Ellis, 1841 - 1938. "Diary of William Ellis Stork, Volume 1, Preston, Minnesota". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed February 5, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/319
Stork, William Ellis, 1841 - 1938
April 15, 1865
Diary from Apr. 15, 1865
Diary of William Ellis Stork as he recounts his life and his reactions to major events.
Minnesota Reflections
Use of this item for research, teaching, and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission.
Stork, William Ellis, 1841 - 1938
April 15, 1865