Letter from Apr. 15, 1865

Telegram of E. B. Alexander

  • Full Title

    Contemporary copy of telegram of E. B. Alexander, Saint Louis, to Capt. Ward, Jefferson City, April 15, [1865]

  • Description

    States, "Arrest J. Wilkes Booth the Murderer of the President wherever he may be found and send him here in irons. . . ."

  • Source

    Missouri History Museum

  • Rights

    This item is in the public domain.

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  • Cite this Item

    Alexander, Edmund B.. "Contemporary copy of telegram of E. B. Alexander, Saint Louis, to Capt. Ward, Jefferson City, April 15, [1865]". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed August 31, 2024. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/339