Newspaper from Apr. 23, 1865

Tri-Weekly Constitutionalist

  • Full Title

    Tri-Weekly Constitutionalist, April 23, 1865

  • Description

    Interior page report of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in a Confederate newspaper. The article is titled "Particulars of the Killing of Lincoln and Seward" and it claims the attack resulted "in the death of the two arch-fiends of the revolution." False report of the death of Secretary William H. Seward.

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    Use of this item for research, teaching, and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution as follows: Courtesy, Newseum Collection. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission. For permission, please contact us.

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    Stockton & Co.. "Tri-Weekly Constitutionalist, April 23, 1865". Stockton & Co.. Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed December 14, 2024.