Letter – To Mary from John, Burkesville Junction April 17 pt 1
A commander of a regiment discussing his location and what is currently going on. The author discusses how they received the news the night before of the assassination of the President. He talks about what a best friend Lincoln was to the soldiers and how much sorrow they are feeling in the wake of his death.
Head Quarters 9th
Near Burksville Junction Ver.
April 17th 1865.
My own dear Mary.
Good afternoon: Yes it is a beautiful afternoon just such an one as I should enjoy to spend in New Hampshire with those I love. I hope it will not be very long before I shall be able to do that same thing. For it really looks as though they would not want any of us much longer. Well all I have to say about it is the quicker Uncle Samuel turns me off the better it will suit me. But if he should conclude to keep me till my time is out it will not be but with short time now less than four months. So short a time will pass by quickly. Then I will go home. Settle down and be a steady journey man once more. And then won't we enjoy ourselves: I guess we will don't you?
We are now (this is our regiment) very presently location. In a splendid grove of hard wood. The trees are pretty well leaved our making is very pleasant.
Our houses are not quite equal to those that we occupied all winter, but it is getting to be quite warm so we get along very comfortably.
I expect I shall be relieved of the command of the regiment now in a few days. By our Major for he is on his way now I expect to join us. Well I am really glad of it for I had neither command my own company alone than to command both the regiment and my Co. I expect Captain Allen will be here this evening if nothing happens to delay him.
We received the very sad news last night of the assassination of the President. It fills the heart of every soldier with – sorrow. For they considered him an honest man, and the soldiers best friend. If he was assassinated at the instagation of the rebel leaders, I think they have made a great mistake. For I think he was their best friend. I hope it will turn out for the best, but it seems mighty hard.
What do the people of the North think of it? I suppose the copperheads feel mighty good over it don't they. Well let them feel good when they can for things are working mighty bad, just now, for their Southern brethren.
It is rumored here this afternoon that Genl Johnson has surrendered his army to General Sherman. I hardly think it is so, but still I don't see what he can hope to do by holding on, for his is the only army of any account this side of the Mississippi river. And I should think the sooner he gave up the better it would be for himself and men. I have just now received a dispatch saying that Secretary Seward and his son were improving and that there was hopes that both would recover.
I suppose Lieut Nessleton has arrived at the front, but his regiment is stationed about thirty miles from here,so I have not seen him yet. I reckon as how he will cut a big swath among small folks, but let him go in.
I wish you would send me fifty cents worth of postage stamps besides those I sent for a few days ago. If you can I wish you would send me by mail about half a dozen pairs white Colton gloves, I forget to send by Allen for them, if he has not started you can send them by him. I don't know whether there is any in either my trunks or not. Have them rolled up in as small a compress as possible and when you direct them leave of the Captain. I will close please write often and accept this from
Your affectionate husband
John .
Tucker Collection care of Museum of the Grand Prairie
Use of this item for research, teaching and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution to the Museum of the Grand Prairie, Champaign County Forest Preserve District. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission. For permission please contact Museum of the Grand Prairie, Champaign County Forest Preserve District.
John. "Letter – To Mary from John, Burkesville Junction April 17 pt 1". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed February 4, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/438
April 17, 1865
Letter from Apr. 17, 1865
A commander of a regiment discussing his location and what is currently going on. The author discusses how they received the news the night before of the assassination of the President. He talks about what a best friend Lincoln was to the soldiers and how much sorrow they are feeling in the wake of his death.
Tucker Collection care of Museum of the Grand Prairie
Use of this item for research, teaching and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution to the Museum of the Grand Prairie, Champaign County Forest Preserve District. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission. For permission please contact Museum of the Grand Prairie, Champaign County Forest Preserve District.
April 17, 1865