Letter from Apr. 17, 1865

Wm. B. Thomas to George Harrington

  • Full Title

    Letter signed Wm. B. Thomas [William B. Thomas], Custom House, Philadelphia, Collector's Office, to Hon. Geo. Harrington [George Harrington], Asst. Secy. of the Treas., April 17, 1865

  • Description

    States, "It is the general desire of the Citizens of Phila. that the remains of President Lincoln should pass through this city and remain a day in 'State' in Independence Hall, that he raised the flag of the Union, with his own hands, and expressed his willingness to be assassinated on the spot rather than sacrifice the principle of Liberty on which he conceived the government to be based. I trust that the wishes of our people will be gratified. . . ."

  • Source

    George R. Harrington Papers, Missouri History Museum Archives, St. Louis.

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    Please contact the Missouri History Museum at photo@mohistory.org for permission to publish this resource.

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    Thomas, William B.. "Letter signed Wm. B. Thomas [William B. Thomas], Custom House, Philadelphia, Collector's Office, to Hon. Geo. Harrington [George Harrington], Asst. Secy. of the Treas., April 17, 1865". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed July 16, 2024. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/529