Document from Apr. 17, 1865

Telegram of J. Edgar Thompson, April 17, 1865

  • Full Title

    American Telegraph Company telegram of J. Edgar Thompson, Prest., Phila., to Gov. Oglesby, Senator Yates, & Representative Arnold, Committee, April 17, 1865

  • Description

    States, "The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. respectfully tender to the Committee the use of their Road for the conveyance of the remains of our Lamented Chief Magistrate & those who may accompany them on their mournful journey to Illinois . . . ."

  • Source

    George R. Harrington Papers, Missouri History Museum Archives, St. Louis.

  • Rights

    Please contact the Missouri History Museum for permission to publish this resource.

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  • Cite this Item

    Thompson, J. Edgar. "American Telegraph Company telegram of J. Edgar Thompson, Prest., Phila., to Gov. Oglesby, Senator Yates, & Representative Arnold, Committee, April 17, 1865". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed July 17, 2024.