List of the Diplomatic Corps entitled to attend the funeral ceremonies of Abraham Lincoln, [April] 1865
Lists diplomats and other dignitaries from various countries who were invited to attend the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln.
List of the Diplomatic Corps
Entitled to attend the Funeral Ceremonies
[Page 2]
Envoys Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary
Portugal. The Commander J.C. de Figaniere e Morao
Charlestown, Md
Prussia. Baron von Gerolt
Guatemala. Senor [Señor] Don Antonio José de Yrisarri [Irisarri]
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Spain. Senor Don Gabriel Garcia y Tassara
Corcorans Row. I. St.
Russia. Mr. Eduard de Stoeckle [Stoeckl]
Cor. I. & Connecticut Avenue
Costa Rica, Nicaragua & Honduras Senor [Señor] Don Luis Molina
F. st. bet: 20th & 21st sts.
Great Britain. Sir Frederick Bruce
245 H Street
Belgium. Mr. Alfred Berghuans.
[Page 3]
Netherlands. Mr Roest van Limburg
Mexico. Senor Don Matias Romero.
h. 263 G Street.
Denmark. Mr. W.R. Raasloff [Raasløff]
29 Fifth Avenue
h. 46 Clinton Place, N.Y.
Italy. The Commander Joseph Butinatti.
At Mrs. Mackall’s, 7 Buildings.
Venezuela. Senor [Señor] Blas Bruzual
h. 35. West 35th 33rd Street, N. York
United States of Columbia [Colombia]. Genl. Eustorgio Salgar
Gramercy Park Hotel New York.
Sweden and Norway. Baron N.G. de Wetterstedt.
[Page 4]
Ministers Resident
Hanseatic Republics
Austria. Count Wydenbruck.
[Page 5]
Chargés d’ Affaires
Chili [Chile]. Senor [Señor] Don F. Asta Buruaga.
Corcoran’s Row, I St.
Hayti [Haiti]. Mr. W. D. Bruno.
France. Mr. de Geofroy.
310. H. Street.
Liberia. John B. Pinney
New York
Peru. Senor José Antonio Garcia y Garcia.
Gramercy House, New York.
Hanseatic Republics. Dr. Johannes Rosing.
Corner 6th and D. streets.
Brazil. Senhor Ignacio de Avellar Barbosa [Barloza] de [da] Silva
Hawaii. S.W. F. Odell.
Great Britain. J. Hurne Burnley
245. H. St.
Belgium. Mr. Alfred Berghmans.
[Page 6]
First Secretaries
Prussia. Baron Guido von Grabow, Georgetown.
Russia. Mr. Waldemar de Bodisco. do [Georgetown]
Italy. Mr. Henry Cora. Washington
Peru. Don Emilio Bonifaz. Gramercy Park Hotel N. York.
Mexico. Señor Don Ignacio Mariscal.
Spain. Señor Don Mariano de Potestad Wash.
Brazil. Senhor Luis Auguste de Padua Fleury.
Venezuela. Señor Florencio Ribas.
United States of Columbia [Colombia]. Señor Felipe Zapata.
Netherlands. Mr. A.P.C. Van Karnbeck [Karnebeek].
[Page 7]
Second Secretaries
Spain. Senor Don Luis de Potestad. Wash.
Russia. Mr. Alexander Davydov “
Great Britain. Francis Ottiwell Adams, Esq. “
Frederick Autrobus, Esq. “
France. Mr le Comte de Faverney “
M. de Minogues “
Mexico. Senor [Señor] Francisco D. Macin. “
Third Secretaries
Great Britain. R.T. G Kirkpatrick “
Edwin Constantine Henry Phipps “
Arthur Henry Seymour “
H. B. Smyth “
[Page 8]
Portugal. Senhor G. J. de Fejaniere, Charlestown Md.
Spain. Señor Don Miguel de Bertodano, Washington
France. M. le Comte Grande Colbert “
M. Arthur de Pont “
Great Britain. The Hon. Thomas George Grosvenor “
Italy. Mr. R. Cantagalli
Venezuela. Commander José J. Roldan N. York
Senor Abraham I. Dorale “
United States of Columbia [Colombia]. Senor [Señor] Francisco Párraga “
Senor [Señor] Gustave F. Gonzales “
France. Mr Paul Dejardin Wash
[Transcription by: Patrick J. Lynch]
This item is in the public domain.
Harrington, George, 1815-1892. "List of the Diplomatic Corps entitled to attend the funeral ceremonies of Abraham Lincoln, [April] 1865". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 28, 2025.
Harrington, George, 1815-1892
April 1865
Document from Apr. 1, 1865
Lists diplomats and other dignitaries from various countries who were invited to attend the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln.
This item is in the public domain.
Harrington, George, 1815-1892
April 1, 1865