Letter from Apr. 18, 1865

Unsigned Note to George Harrington, April 1865

  • Full Title

    Unsigned Note to George Harrington, April 1865

  • Description

    Suggests that as few carriages as possible be allowed in the funeral procession of Abraham Lincoln so that more persons may follow the President to his grave.

  • Transcription

    Hon. Geo Harrington
    Pardon me for suggesting that as few carriages as possible ought to be allowed in the funeral cortege of the President.

    There are one hundred thousand aching hearts, that will follow his remains to the grave. This cannot be done if long lines of vehicles occupy the space, without adding to the volume of humanity desirous of participating.

    Unless care be taken in this respect, the remains will [arrive] at the place of burial or deposite before the people move from the White House.


    [Transcription by: Daniel Kynaston]

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    Please contact the Missouri History Museum at photo@mohistory.org for permission to publish this resource.

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    anonymous. "Unsigned Note to George Harrington, April 1865". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed July 16, 2024. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/678