Document from Apr. 1, 1865

List of Pallbearers

  • Full Title

    List of pallbearers for Abraham Lincoln's funeral, [April 1865]

  • Description

    A list of the pallbearers for Lincoln's funeral, divided into those of the Senate and those of the House.

  • Transcription

    Pall Bearers.

    On the part _______On the part

    Of the Senate _____of the House

    Mr. Foster of Conn._Mr. Davis of Mass.

    Morgan of N.Y._____Coffroth of Pa

    Johnson of Md_____Smith of Ky

    Yates of Ill.________Colfax of Ind.

    Wade of O.________Worthington of Nevada

    Conness of Cal.____Washburn of Ill.




    O. S. Browning Thom Corwin

    Harrington's writing

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  • Rights

    This item is in the public domain.

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    anonymous. "List of pallbearers for Abraham Lincoln's funeral, [April 1865]". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed July 17, 2024.