Diary from May. 30, 1865

Horatio Nelson Taft Diary, May 30, 1865

  • Full Title

    Horatio Nelson Taft Diary, May 30, 1865

  • Description

    Patent examiner Horatio Nelson Taft reflected on the events of the first five months of 1865.

  • Transcription

    Washington May 30th 1865

    The achievements of the Country during the past six or seven months, if we take a rapid glance at them, are truly astonishing. A catalogue merely of the striking Military events during that period would almost fill a volume. Beginning with the time that Thomas almost annihilated the army of the Rebel Genl Hood at Franklin and Nashville. Then following Genl Sherman in his daring plunge into the heart of Georgia. The Storming of Fort McAllister, and the Capture of Savannah, almost without a Siege, with all its Wealth and vast Armaments. Then sweeping through South Carolina like a desolating Tornado. Compelling the Surrender of Charleston tho not within a hundred miles of it. Capturing the Capital of the State without a Battle (Columbia). Entering North Carolina, defeating the Rebels under Johnston at Bentonville and Averysboro and capturing the Capital of the State Raleigh and to close this successful march receives the surrender of Johnston and his Army. During this time, the month of March, Genl Terry captures Fort Fisher at the mouth of the Cap[e] Fear River (one of the most desperate and heroic acts of the War). Thus compelling the surrender of Willmington a few days afterwards. During this time also Schofield was fighting betwen Wilmington and Raleigh around Kinston and penetrating to Goldsboro. It is now the latter part of March and Genl Grants Movements begin to absorb the attention of the Country. The rebels surprise and capture Fort Steadman (one of Grants line of Forts) but dearly did it cost them for they were easily driven away. And then began those decisive movements and series of splendid victories which compelled the surrender of Petersburgh and Richmond and finaly the Capture of Genl Lee and his whole army, and the Great Rebellion was virtualy ended. But during this time again, Genl Canby was forcing his way into Mobile. Genl Wilson is “riding free” with a Cloud of horsemen over Alabama and Georgia scattering all opposition, capturing Selma, Montgomery, and Macon. Stoneman is dashing through Eastern Tennessee and N Carolina, riding at will and driving all before him. Then Taylor and Kirby Smith Surrender which embrace about the last of the rebel forces. But during this period of Six or Seven months, the realy most important events have not been yet mentioned. In the midst of a desolating War, in the smoke and heat of Battle as it were, There has been a quiet Presidential Election and Inauguration, with all its usual attendant excitements. A Draft of three hundred thousand men has been ordered, and the men raised. The Government Credit has been increased at home and abroad a hundred fold and Gold has fallen a hundred percent. Our great and Good President has been assassinated. The assassin Killed. Jefferson Davis has been captured and impeached for Treason. The grand Review & the Trial of the conspirators. Tearfully - and Joyfully have we witnessed these Events.

  • Source

    Library of Congress, Manuscript Division

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    This item is in the public domain and may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.

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    Horatio Nelson Taft. "Horatio Nelson Taft Diary, May 30, 1865". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 25, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/690