Letter from Apr. 27, 1865

Joseph Lincoln Letter to Wife

  • Full Title

    Joseph Lincoln Letter to Wife

  • Description

    This letter from Captain Joseph Lincoln to his wife talks about his experiences as a merchant sea captain towards the end of the Civil War. Captain Lincoln mentions the death of John Wilkes Booth in his letter as well as his hope that the assassin would have been taken alive.

  • Transcription

    Boston April 27th /65

    My Dear Wife,

    Have been looking for a letter from you yesterday & to day, but none
    came. suppose that you are busy getting ready for another voyage. do not know where
    she will go the next voyage, but there is some talk of her going to Philadelphia. to
    load coal for New Orleans, if so think you had better go as far as Philadelphia with
    me. If the weather continues good shall be all discharged by Saturday night. then
    I suppose it will be driving times till they get her away. Have not settled with them
    yet but see that they have the voyage made up and charged me the rate of exchange
    on all money drawn away. Which bring me in debt to the ship. instead of having
    5 or $600 coming to me, but I do not think that is the way they intend to settle with
    me, if they do I want to make one more voyage for them and pay myself, that I should
    call mean enough would make my wages less then $40 pr month Sailors are getting $50.
    but will say no more till I know what they intend to do. to day we have the news that
    they have got Booths body which is good. but was in hopes they would have taken him
    alive. Write me so that I can get it Saturday night to the Webster House, Emma has a
    little girl

    Yours affectionate


    Joseph L. Lincoln

  • Source

    MS. 3: Captain Joseph Lincoln Papers

  • Rights

    This item may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.

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  • Cite this Item

    Joseph Lincoln. "Joseph Lincoln Letter to Wife". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed February 11, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/844