Letter from Apr. 23, 1865

Letter to John Yarick from Reuben Yarick, April 23, 1865

  • Full Title

    Handwritten Letter to John Yarick from his brother, Reuben Yarick, April 23, 1865

  • Description

    Handwritten letter from Reuben Yarick, at Washington, D.C., to his brother, John Yarick, in Suffield, Portage County, Ohio. The letter describes Reuben's fears and feelings about the assassination of President Lincoln and visiting his body in the White House. This letter is part of Papers of John Yarick, 1854-1864. Reuben enlisted in Company G, 1st Michigan Infantry as a Sergeant on July 2, 1861 at Jackson (Mich.) age 25. He was wounded in action in 1864 and hospitalized at the U.S. Hospital, Hampton, Virginia. He was discharged from Company B, 24th VRC at Washington, D.C., on July 28, 1865. (This information is from Reuben's service record.)

  • Transcription

    Page One
    Washington, D. C., Aprl 23, 1865
    Ever Dear Brother
    Yours of the 16th is before
    me and I am happy indeed to hear that
    you are getting well again and your
    family is recovering from its affliction
    John I wrote a letter to you I think [inserted: two weeks ago]
    that you have received it before this
    time but I will write you a short
    letter this evening yes John President
    Lincoln is dead and you and [crossed out illegible words]
    his remains are on it[sic] way to its last
    resting place in the far west Springfield
    Illinois they left here at eight -oclock
    this [crossed out] yesterday morning I seen his
    boddy [sic] at the White House last tuesday
    or Wedensday [sic] it was conveyed to the
    Capital the crowd of People was great the
    procession was large and on thurday [sic]
    his boddy [sic] lay in State at the Capital [sic]
    and an emence [sic] swarm of People was
    Page Two
    their [sic] all day to get a last glimpse
    of the once famous ruler of these
    United States and our unhappy country
    I went on Guard yesterday morning
    at the old capital Prison and came
    off this morning in the Prison nothing
    but Rebel Prisoners of war are
    confined and mostley [sic] all Rebell [sic]
    officers from Second Lieutenant
    to Generals and what little
    opportunity that I had to speak to
    them they all felt sorry and sayed [sic]
    that to their opinion that the best
    man for peace had gone and
    did not think that the so called
    Confederate Government had eneything [sic]
    to do with the assassination and
    was afraid that we would use them
    pretty ruff [sic] we have allays [sic] used
    prisoners of war well and I thing [sic]
    that we allways [sic] will as long as they
    will behave themselves two hundred
    of these was sent off this morning
    Page Three
    for Johnson Island Ohio one Gen
    was with the lot Gen Payn was
    his name those two hundred was
    all Officers.
    Well John I don't know that i have
    much more to write this time
    their [sic] is a rumor now that the
    V.R.C. will be mustard [sic] out soon
    and if they do I will get out of the
    Service but if the war continues
    I will get in the Cavlrey [sic] if I can
    I have one good arm yet and I can
    fight it out had thought to quit
    when I got out but this last cowardly
    murder is enough to arouse evrey [sic]
    Patriot's heart and fight as long as
    he can raise an arm
    Hoping that this will finde [sic] you
    all well as it leaves me I will close
    for this time my health is good at
    present Remain as ever your
    Devoted Brother
    Sergt. Reuben Yarick

  • Source

    Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University, John Yarick Papers, 1854-1864

  • Rights

    This item may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.

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  • Cite this Item

    Yarick, Reuben. "Handwritten Letter to John Yarick from his brother, Reuben Yarick, April 23, 1865". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 13, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/847