Dunks Family Correspondence
Near the end of the second page, Julius Dunks begins to briefly describe the funeral for Abraham Lincoln in Union City, a village in Southern Michigan that served as an important juncture in the Underground Railroad. He notes that the townspeople intended to hold a procession, but a hard rain forced them to cancel.
Apr 23 / 65
Union City April 23, 1865
Brother Oliver.
Your kind & wel
comed letter was rec - last
Friday. was kind a glad to
hear from thee. We have been
pretty busy the past week
monday & Tues forenoon I plowed
Thursday forenoon have about
another days work to do yet
it has rained conciderable,
this week and been very cold
Wensday morn. Father & I
went up to Mr Coats and
Bought a tree for stakes and
gave him 1.00 then he gave
us six other cuts so we
have about six hundred
stakes in all they are all
split but one. yesterday fore
noon I sharpened Stakes and
in the after noon I drew them
home & spread them arround
we have got about half of them
home. Father is going to sharpen
the rest of them & split that
out tomorrow. Coats also gave
us annother tree that was dead
for rails it is alittle rotten on
the out side but guess that
it is sound at the heart It
is a large Black Ash, we are
going to use it for rails we
have also bought the timber for
one thousand rails for 5.00 we
are to cut & Split ourselfs.
Mary has got over the measles.
and is pretty well. Mat has also
got well Ed [Burten?] was taken
but has not been very sick
Lucy Leigh is pretty sick with
them now. they had quite a time
here last wensday they held Mr
Lincoln Funeral that day the
church was crouded as full as
it could be. the church was
all draped in mourning.
just about they same as they did
there. they were intending to
have a procession but it rained
very hard. William received
that package last night. they look
very well I have not tried any
of them. I am going to take a lode
of Read Wheat out out to
Coldwater to morrow & Wm
is going with me. We heard to
day that uncle Georges Baby was
Just alive. [illegible in original] [music?] looks pretty
well. We sold 26 Bushels of corn
last week pert of it - 1.00 1.25- ,80
we have about ten Bush. left
the Sheep all look well we have
not got any lambs yet but guess
that they will be gin to come
the last of this week.
Who did Lib Dunks merey
has She had those photograph
yet I think that her foot mus be
well by this time. where is she
going to live, I have had quite
a time with my arm it worked
first rate I only Stopped work
one day It Swelled up pretty
big how does yours get allong
mother wants you to send
the scab home in a letter
so that she can vaxinate
Mary & Wm what is there
about [illegible in original] Bills that
you do not under stand then
would be a tiptop place.
Pleas write Soon
Yours J S Dunks
April 25 dear Brother I will try & fill the
sheat I am going to [start?] on my expedition
tomorrow morn ing Think I shall be gone
about 2 weeks the first time I am very
much pleased with the Pens. Who did [herb?]
Dunks marry that is what is his name
& what is his Business you did not
tell what those ties cost apiece
You Brother W C Dunks
c.00123 - Dunks Family Correspondence
Educational use only, no other permissions given. Copyright to this resource is held by Michigan State University and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any format without written permission of the University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.
Julius S. Dunks. "Dunks Family Correspondence". Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections. Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 31, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/861
Julius S. Dunks
Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections
April 23, 1865
Ink and Paper
5" x 8"
Letter from Sep. 14, 2015
Near the end of the second page, Julius Dunks begins to briefly describe the funeral for Abraham Lincoln in Union City, a village in Southern Michigan that served as an important juncture in the Underground Railroad. He notes that the townspeople intended to hold a procession, but a hard rain forced them to cancel.
c.00123 - Dunks Family Correspondence
Educational use only, no other permissions given. Copyright to this resource is held by Michigan State University and is provided here for educational purposes only. It may not be reproduced or distributed in any format without written permission of the University Archives & Historical Collections, Michigan State University.
Julius S. Dunks
Michigan State University Archives & Historical Collections
September 14, 2015
Ink and Paper
5" x 8"