Our Martyred President
A poem composed by Samuel Whiting of Dorsey, Illinois. In a letter to Rev. William Salter, he states that he was inspired to write the poem after reading the Reverend’s sermon on Lincoln published in the Burlington Hawk-Eye, April 19, 1865.
Our Martyr’d President
Avail from wild Atlantics [[?]] to far Pacifics shore,
Is heard above the battle-din, for one all hearts deplore,
the pilot of our Ship of State, the patriot good and just,
has by a foul assassin’s,hand been stricken to the dust.
And while with hearts-by sorrow guard, above thy, tomb we feud,
we realize the union, [[?]] of its more steadfast friend,
we feel that [[?]] and Liberty- that's Justice, Mercy, Love
were all implanted in thy heart, by the good God above.
The annals of the world can show no purer name than thine
a name which though the coming years, more [[?]] you shall shine,
Bright freedom’s champion, friend of all down trodden and oppress’d,
thy memory throughout the earth shall be forever clip'd.
Thy vile assassin little thought when his foul, murd'ous hand,
Took Abraham Lincoln cherish'd life, and fill'd with woe the [[?]],
that the same bullet which consigned the martyrs to the tomb,
Bequeathed his virtues to all time clothed in immortal bloom.
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Thy grave is consecrated ground, and pilgrims shall repair
from earth's mortal boundaries, to weep in sadness there;
in sadness, that such fate should be reserved for such a man
In joy, that then went spared to us to work our Freedom plan.
Gods noblest work – ”an honest man” - especially was he
who to the scourged and tortured slave proclaimed " hence forth be free!"
that he, his glorious epitaph, inscribed upon his tomb-
and that the sacred memory to soften all our gloom.
Sam Whiting
Dorsey Lee, April 25th 1865
My dear Mrs Sallee.
The hawk-eye, containing your
excellent remarks on the death of our beloved President.
came [[?]] be heard. Your sermon and the sad event have
suggested the above lines, which, [[?]] as they are, I
beg leave to dedicate to you. I am hard at work, ploughing
and planting, beef in my good health. My wife joins me in Round regards to all.
Truly Yours Sam Whiting.
[Transcription Team: Lola L., Jarett F., Henry W., Addilyne S.]
[New Hampton Middle School]
Letter from Samuel Whiting (Dorsey, IL) to Rev. William Salter (Burlington, Iowa), April 25, 1865 William Salter Papers, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines
Use of this item for research, teaching and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast or commercial use requires written permission. For permission, please contact The State Historical Society of Iowa
Samuel Whiting . "Our Martyred President". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 13, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/921
Samuel Whiting
April 1, 1865
Document from Apr. 1, 1865
A poem composed by Samuel Whiting of Dorsey, Illinois. In a letter to Rev. William Salter, he states that he was inspired to write the poem after reading the Reverend’s sermon on Lincoln published in the Burlington Hawk-Eye, April 19, 1865.
Letter from Samuel Whiting (Dorsey, IL) to Rev. William Salter (Burlington, Iowa), April 25, 1865 William Salter Papers, State Historical Society of Iowa, Des Moines
Use of this item for research, teaching and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast or commercial use requires written permission. For permission, please contact The State Historical Society of Iowa
Samuel Whiting
April 1, 1865