Excerpt from The War-time Journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865
Eliza Frances Andrews was born in Washington, Georgia in 1840. Her father was a prominent judge and planter. While her parents supported the Union, she and her three brothers supported the Confederacy. Her journal begins with her journey to Macon, Georgia in December 1864 to meet relatives with whom she would stay until the War ended. Her journal was heavily edited and published 40 years later. However, it gives insight into Andrews reaction to the Lincoln Assassination and to his memorial on June 1, 1865.
The War-time Journal of a Georgia girl 1864 dash 1865 by Eliza Frances Andrews
… Secessionists,” he used to call them, when angry or heated By contradiction, but more commonly, “the poor fools,” in a tone of half-pitying rebuke, just as he had spoken of them on that memorable night when the bells were ringing for the secession of his State.
It was probably his warmth in advocating this policy to “agree with the adversary quickly” lest a worse thing should befall us by delay, that led to his action at the public meeting referred to in the text. What was said and done on that occasion, and the substance of the resolutions that gave such offense, I know no more to this day than when the account in the journal was penned. The subject was never alluded to between us and our father. Whether the course of events would have been altered if councils such as his had prevailed, no one can tell. The passion and fury of the time were not favorable to moderation, and the fatal mistake was made, that has petrified the fifteenth amendment in our national constitution comma and injected a race problem into our national life. There it stands to-day, a solid wedge of alien material cleaving the heartwood of our nation's tree of life, and throwing the dead weight of its impenetrable mass on whatever side its own interests or passion, or the influence of designing politicians may direct it.
June 1, Thursday. –I dressed up in my best, intending to celebrate the Yankee fast by going out to pay some call, but I had so many visitors at home that I did not get out till late in the afternoon. I’m sorry enough that Lincoln was assassinated, Heaven knows, but in this public fast is a political scheme gotten up to throw reproach on the South comma and I wouldn't keep it if I were ten times as sorry as I am.
The “righteous Lot” Has come back to town. It is uncertain whether he or Capt. Schaeffer is to reign over us; we hope the latter. He is said to be a very gentlemanly-looking person, and above associating with negroes. his men look cleaner than the other garrison, but Garnett saw one of them with a lady’s gold bracelet on his arm, which shows what they are capable of. I never look at them, but always turn away my head, or pull down my veil when I meet any of them period the streets are so negroes That I don't like to go out when I can help it, though they seem to be behaving better about Washington than in most other places. Capt. Schaeffer does not encourage them in leaving their Masters, still, many of them try to play at freedom, and give themselves airs that are exasperating. The last time I went on the street, two great, strapping wenches forced me off the sidewalk. I could have raised a row by calling for protection from the first Confederate I met, or making complaint at Yankee headquarters, but would not stoop to quarrel with negroes. If the question had to be settled By these Yankees who are in the South comma and see the working of things, I do not believe emancipation would be forced on us in such a hurry; but unfortunately, the government is in the hands of a set of crazy abolitionists, who will make a pretty mess, meddling with things they know nothing about. Some of the Yankee generals have already been converted from their abolition sentiments, and it is said that Wilson is deviled all by out of his life by the negroes in South-West Georgia. In Atlanta, Judge Irvin says he saw the corpses of two dead negroes kicking about the streets unburied, waiting for the public ambulance to come and cart them away.
June 4, Sunday. –Still another batch of Yankees comma and one of them preceded to distinguish himself at once, by “capturing” a negro's watch. They carry out their principles by robbing impartially, without regard to “race, color, or previous condition.” ’Ginny Dick had kept his watch and chain hid ever since the bluecoats put forth this act of philanthropy, and George Palmer's old Maum Betsy said that she has “knowned white folks all her life, an’ some mighty mean ones, but Yankees is de fust ever she seed mean enough to steal fum niggers.” Everybody suspected that mischief was afoot, as soon as the Yankees began coming in such force, and they soon fulfilled expectations by going to the bank and seizing $100,000 in specie belonging to the Virginia banks, which the Confederate calvarymen had restored as soon as they found it was private property. They then arrested the Virginia bank officers, and went about town “pressing” people’s horses to take them to Danburg, to get the “robbers” and the rest of the money, which they say is concealed there. One of the men came to our house after supper, while we were sitting out on…
[Transcription by Quoc T., Ford’s Theatre Society.]
Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection via The Internet Archive
This item is in the public domain and may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.
Eliza Frances Andrews. "Excerpt from The War-time Journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865". New York : D. Appleton and Company. Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 10, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/1188
Eliza Frances Andrews
New York : D. Appleton and Company
June 1, 1865
Diary from Jun. 1, 1865
Eliza Frances Andrews was born in Washington, Georgia in 1840. Her father was a prominent judge and planter. While her parents supported the Union, she and her three brothers supported the Confederacy. Her journal begins with her journey to Macon, Georgia in December 1864 to meet relatives with whom she would stay until the War ended. Her journal was heavily edited and published 40 years later. However, it gives insight into Andrews reaction to the Lincoln Assassination and to his memorial on June 1, 1865.
Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection via The Internet Archive
This item is in the public domain and may be reproduced and used for any purpose, including research, teaching, private study, publication, broadcast or commercial use, with proper citation and attribution.
Eliza Frances Andrews
New York : D. Appleton and Company
June 1, 1865