Letter from Apr. 14, 1866

"Signifcant [sic] Letter."

  • Full Title

    "Signifcant [sic] Letter."

  • Description

    Excerpt of a letter from Ward Hill Lamon, former U.S. Marshal, to President Johnson. In it Lamon, a close friend of Abraham Lincoln, explains the late president’s plans for restoring the Union after the war: “I was made entirely certain by his own repeated declarations to me, that he would exert all his authority, power and influence to bring about an immediate reconciliation between the two sections of the country…All the energies of his nature were given to a vigorous prosecution of the war while the rebellion lasted, but he equally determined upon a vigorous prosecution of peace as soon as the armed hostility should end.” Published in The Selma Morning Times on April 14, 1866.

  • Source

    Excerpt from the The Selma Morning Times, item number 24.0046. Catalog record for this title is available here.

  • Rights

    Use of this item for research, teaching and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution, as defined here. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast or commercial use requires written permission. For permission, please contact the Alabama Department of Archives and History.

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    The Selma Morning Times. ""Signifcant [sic] Letter."". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed July 16, 2024. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/230