Diary from Apr. 15, 1865

Sarah Gooll Putnam Diary

  • Full Title

    Sarah Gooll Putnam diary 7 excerpt, entries for 13-17 April 1865

  • Description

    Sarah Gooll Putnam, a teenager (who was 14 years old in during the spring 1865 and lived primarily in Boston, Massachusetts), describes the shock and sadness of hearing about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Her diaries (started in 1860, when she was 9, and continued until close to the time of her death at age 61 in 1912) feature many illustrations. The entry for 15 April 1865 includes a minimalist sketch of a face with a shocked expression.

  • Transcription

    31 April
    Glee. The little dog was taken away by John
    I read [?] [?], and check home
    Lousia came in in the morning and so did
    Mr. Greenrough and Mr. Baron.

    13 Thurs. I packed up some of my things and
    Stayed to alice Russels to drink tea, where I
    Stayed awfully late

    14 Frid. Packing went on at a great rate. Just
    Think, we shall be out of this house Monday
    Or Tuesday. I went to Aunt Lousia’s to tea
    Grandma Upham came to our house for her’s.

    15th Sat. Now guess my feelings when
    Coming down to breakfast as Mother’s saying
    “The President is killed!” I stood so for
    A few minutes without speak -
    Ing. I can not realize it yet-
    Poor, dear, old, abe, [?] of
    Will kill how his death came
    On without any sentiment for that over
    No good. Last night he went with Mrs.
    Lincoln to see “Our American Cousin” [?]
    ([?] - Washington) During one of the acts
    A justice shot was heard and a shriek
    From Mrs. Lincoln and before people
    Could collect their [?] a man flourishing

    A knife strung from the boy by President
    Lincoln, dashed onto the stage, said “[?] [?]
    [?]” and rushed off. Now President
    L is dead, dear old kind Abe. An attempts
    Was made on Mr. Seward’s life too, who was
    Sick in his bed. An assasin came into the room
    Under pretense of somebody sent from a
    doctor or something like that. He almost
    Succeeding in assasinating both Mr. Seward
    and his son who was in the same room
    With his father. Everybody’s house almost
    Is just in mourning for Abraham Lincoln
    The houses are drafted with black and white
    16th Sun. The sermon was almost entirely about
    The [?] assassination.

    17th Mon. Mother cleaned out the house, and
    I went to Aunt Louisa’s to tea. Many and
    [?] went to Grandma Upham’s.

    18th Tues. There was an question at our house
    It was rather mournful coming home from
    School to see loads of furniture going from
    Our house that we never shall sleep in
    Again! Bridget, Hannah and many [?]
    Walked round this house [?] the [?] with
    Robin in Bridget’s [?] She bought the kitchen

    [Transcription by: Megan Klein, Rachel Engl's class, Lehigh University]

  • Source

    Massachusetts Historical Society, Ms. N-758

  • Rights

    Use of this item for research, teaching, and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution, as: From the Collection of the Massachusetts Historical Society. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission. For permission, please see this web page.

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  • Cite this Item

    Putnam, Sarah Gooll. "Sarah Gooll Putnam diary 7 excerpt, entries for 13-17 April 1865". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 25, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/285