Document from Apr. 24, 1865

Resolutions Regarding Lincoln Tomb

  • Full Title

    Notice – Resolutions Regarding Lincoln Tomb

  • Description

    A public notice of resolutions of the Lincoln National Monument Association that were approved at a meeting of the Committee of Arrangements. The resolutions cover a number of issues from electing the Treasurer to donations to how the resolutions would be transmitted to the public.

  • Transcription

    Office of the Lincoln National Monument Association,

    Springfield, Ill., April 25th, 1865,

    Dear Sir;

    At a meeting of the Committee of Arrangements appointed by the citizens of the City of Springfield, Illinois, April 24th, 1865, the following resolutions were adopted:

    Resolved, That Governor Richard J. Oglesby, Lieut. Gov. Wm. Bross, Hon. Sharon Tyndale, Secretary of State, Hon. O. H. Miner, Auditor of State, Hon. Jas. H. Beveridge, Treasurer, Hon. J. T. Stuart, Hon. S. H. Treat, Hon. Jesse K. Dubois, Hon. O. M. Hatch, Hon. John A. McCleruand, Hon. Wm. Butler, Hon. Jas. C. Conkling, Hon. Thos. J. Dennis, and such others as they may select, constitute a Lincoln National Monument Association, for the purpose of receiving funds and disbursing the same, for obtaining grounds and erecting a monument thereon in Springfield, Ills., to the memory of our lamented Chief Magistrate, Abraham Lincoln.

    Resolved, That Hon. James H. Beveridge, Treasurer of the State of Illinois, be the Treasurer of the said association.

    Resolved, That all the officers and soldiers of our armies, and the officers, marines and sailors of our navy, at their several camps, stations, forts and hospitals, be requested to make a contribution, for the said purposes, during the second week of May, 1865, or as soon therafter as possible, and remit by draft, or otherwise, to said Treasurer at Springfield Illinois.

    Resolved, That the Councils of the Loyal League throughout the nation be requested to contribute for the purpose aforesaid, at their weekly meeting in the second week of May, 1865, and remit to said Treasurer.

    Resolved, That the various boards of trade and chambers of commerce throughout the nation, be requested to contribute during the said week, for the said purposes, and remit as aforesaid.

    Resolved, That the several lodges of Masons and Odd Fellows throughout the nation be requested to contribute for said purposes at their regular meetings in said week, and remit as aforesaid.

    Resolved, That all literary, religious and benevolent associations throughout the land, be requested to contribute at their regular meetings in said week and remit as aforesaid.

    Resolved, That the churches of all denominations throughout the land be requested to take up a collection on the second Sunday in May, 1865, for said purposes and remit as aforesaid.

    Resolved, That the colored population of our country to whom our lamented Chief Magistrate was so generous a benefactor, be requested to contribute during said week, or as soon thereafter as convenient and remit as aforesaid.

    Resolved, That every individual who reveres the name of Abraham Lincoln, and who may desire to act separately be requested to contribute during said week, or as soon thereafter as convenient, and remit as aforesaid.

    Resolved, That the National Parks and Post Masters throughout the nation be the agents of said association for remittance of contributions.

    Resolved, That the above resolutions be transmitted by telegraph and published in every newspaper in the country as speedily as possible.

    John T. Stuart, Chair'n.

    James C. Conkling, Secretary.

    On the 26th day of April 1865, the Association organized by the appointment of-

    Richard Oglesby, President. James H. Beveridge, Treasurer.

    Sharon Tyndale, Secretary. Clinton L. Conkling, Ass't Secretary.

    This said Association now appeals to you in the most urgent manner to exert all your influence towards the accomplishment of its purposes, by keeping the second week of May next, or the earliest day possible thereafter, prominently before the public as the time to contribute to the erection of a monument to our lamented Chief Magistrate ABRAHAM LINCOLN.

    Let the nation by one simultaneous movement testify its regard for his exalted character; its appreciation for his distinguished services, and its sorrow for his death by erecting, to his memory, a monument that will forever prove that Republics are not ungrateful.

    Most beautiful grounds, already adorned by nature and embellished by art, near the centre of the city of Springfield, have been selected as his final resting place.

    His mortal remains now await your response, ere they shall be deposited beneath a MONUMENT that shall be worthy of his fame and the affectionate gratitude of a generous nation.

    RICHARD J. OGLESBY, President.

    SHARON TYNDALE, Secretary.

    CLINTON L. CONKLING, Assistant Secretary.

    N.B. All National Banks and Postmasters are requested to act as agents to receive and transmit funds. No other agents will be appointed except under Seal with written signatures of the officers.

  • Source

    Tucker Collection care of Museum of the Grand Prairie

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    Use of this item for research, teaching and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution to the Museum of the Grand Prairie, Champaign County Forest Preserve District. Reproduction of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission. For permission please contact Museum of the Grand Prairie, Champaign County Forest Preserve District.

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  • Cite this Item

    National Lincoln Monument Association. "Notice – Resolutions Regarding Lincoln Tomb ". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed February 5, 2025.