Diary from Apr. 15, 1865

Emilie Davis Diary

  • Full Title

    Emilie Davis Diary

  • Description

    Emilie Davis, a free African American living in Philadelphia, recorded the events of her life from 1863 to 1865, including the end of the Civil War and the Lincoln assassination.

  • Transcription

    MONDAY, APRIL 10, 1865

    raining all day in the evening it [...] off [...] i went to mr livelys he did not come to sermon egerton come up here with Ellen

    TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1865

    quite pleasent i have bin very busy all day this evening i was too tired to go to meeting Vincent did not come up this evening

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1865

    this has bin quite a stressing week very [...] mrs Jones [...] i have bin with him [...] to get my Dress done

    THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1865

    very Pleasent Miss Janice started for Baltimore this morning in Concequence i did not get to the [...] al lesson spent most of the evening home

    FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1865

    to day is the day we Celebrate the soldiers Parrade a flag was presented to the reggiment by the [...] very Plesent it every body seemed to have a holidy

    SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1865

    very sad newes was received this morning of the murder of the President the city is in deep mourning we had a meeting of the association

    SUNDAY, APRIL 16, 1865

    it Decided to PosPone the fare very fine Day everyone seems to Partake of the solemnity of the times Docto Jones spoke for us

    MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1865

    to day was set aPart for a general holiday but seemes to me a day of mourning i went to mr livelys then to school mr ling was not very lively

    TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1865

    nothing special on home to day meeting at night not good meeting after meeting Nell and went to Sarah Shines Vincent invisible

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1865

    to day is a general holiday the churches are open and the day has the apperanece of Sunday the Preisedent is concidered buried today i was out in the afternoon we Did not have church mr gibbs being away Vincent was up a little while

    THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1865

    everything assumes a solem aspect the streets look mournful the people more so i went to mr livelys in the afternoon i did not get far from it rained all the afternoon and evening i spent the evening with Nellie

    FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1865

    cloudy and very dark the funeral Prossion Pass through tomorrow i have not bin out to day i am tired of the st Vincent was up this evening he is so full of business

    SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1865

    lovely morning to is the day long to be remembered i have bin very busy all morning the President comes in town this afternoon i went out about 3 in the afternoon it was the gravest funeral i ever saw

    SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 1865

    the coffin and hearse was beutiful this morning went down to see the President but could not for the crowd mr robinson spoke for us in the afternoon very interesting sermon after church Vincent and i tried to get to see the President

    MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1865

    i got to see him after waiting four hours and a half it was [...] a sight worth seeing very Pelesent i did not to mr lively we went to the concert it was very nice with one exception lizzie [...] sing

    TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1865

    miserable the rest done well very good house very fine day i stoped at mr Jonsons a little while Nellie and i went to see Sarah Shim then to meeting very good meeting after meeting went down town

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26, 1865

    quite warm to day i have soore throat as a [...] Sunday adventure nothing of intrest to day Nell come up this evening she has not spent an evening with me for some time

    THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1865

    very much like summer today very Plesent i went down to mr livleys in the afternoon Nell i went out shoping i went down to [...] a little while in the evening i spent at home

  • Source

    Historical Society of Pennsylvania (images); Emilie Davis Diaries Project at Villanova University (transcription)

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    Use of this item for research, teaching, and private study is permitted with proper citation and attribution. Reproduction of the images of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission from the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Reproduction of the transcription of this item for publication, broadcast, or commercial use requires written permission from Villanova University.

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    Emilie Davis. "Emilie Davis Diary". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 25, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/549