Newspaper from Apr. 25, 1865

Appropriate Ceremonies

  • Full Title

    Appropriate Ceremonies

  • Transcription

    "Cheney's Grove, April 20th, 1865 - Ed. Pantagraph -- According to previous arrangement the people of this community met on yesterday morning at the residence of Willis Rowe for purpose of forming a funeral procession in token of our respect for the memory of Abraham Lincoln. The procession was formed by Lieut. S. R. Riggs assisted by H. P. Lowry and was as follows: 1st, The Goddess of Liberty draped in mourning, represented by Mrs. S. R. Riggs. 2nd, The national flag at half mast also in mourning. 3d, Thirty-five young ladies on horseback dressed in black. 4th, A company of soldiers in uniform. 5th, Martial music. After these was a large number of persons in carriages, wagons, and on horse back. The procession then proceeded to the new Church in Saybrook, where an eloquent and touching discourse was delivered by Rev. C. G. Bradshaw..."

  • Source

    McLean County Museum of History

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    Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC-BY-NC-SA)

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  • Cite this Item

    The Pantagraph. "Appropriate Ceremonies". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed March 28, 2025.