"Lincoln Memories"
Joanna Lane remembers Abraham Lincoln in her "Lincoln memories" after his assassination.
“Lincoln” Memories – By Mrs. Henry S. Lane
The Swiss Government in passing resolutions of condolence on the death of Lincoln said – “he was the man with the brow of iron and the heart of gold”.
These were words fitly spoken and all who ever came in con-tact with him recognized the divine charity which forgives all sin and pities all suffering.
If he ever erred it was on the side of mercy in pardoning rebels whom others had convicted and thought guilty of severe pun-ishment. Many women came to him during that awful War of Rebel-lion asking him to commute the sentence passed upon a beloved hus-band or son. Always their request were granted.
After the battle of Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862, the report came to Washington that Lew Wallace was killed in that terrible slaught-er. Mr. Lane hearing it went up to inquire of Sen. Stanton it was true- he found President Lincoln there at the War office on the same errand. Later they learned it was Wallace from Illinois who had been killed. Mr. Lane said he was thankful it was not our Wallace. But, replied Mr. Lincoln, “it was somebody’s Wallace.” He sympathized with all who mourned the death of this true patriot in that fearful battle. As you have heard many times, his distinguishing characteristics were gentleness and humility.
Many unjust criticisms have been cast upon Mrs. Lincoln while in the Whits House. She made a great mistake soon after going there where the newspapers reported she was to give a large ball in the East room-but Secretary Seward and other judicious advisors persuaded her to omit the dancing and have only the ordinary re-ception. This was early in the War and the public conscience was shocked with this appearance of levity and indifference to the weeping and wailing all around us.
[Transcription by Alicia B., Ford's Theatre Society.]
Montgomery County Historical Society
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Joanna Lane. ""Lincoln Memories"". Remembering Lincoln. Web. Accessed February 19, 2025. https://rememberinglincoln.fords.org/node/822
Joanna Lane
Letter from
Joanna Lane remembers Abraham Lincoln in her "Lincoln memories" after his assassination.
Montgomery County Historical Society
Use of this item for research, teaching, and private study is permitted with proper citation. Reproduction of the item requires our written permission for publication, broadcast or commercial use. Request for such must be made in writing, outlining in detail the items to be reproduced and requested use of the reproduction. For permission, please contact Victoria Johnston at vjohnston@lane-mchs.org.
Joanna Lane